There's a Center Stage 2?
Life is busy and full getting everything up and running at Dance Institute. And I still love it. I hope to have more for you about this a little later this month. If you want, stop by and see for yourself though and sign up for a class or two!Just a quick reminder that So You Think You Can Dance auditions wrap up tonight. I'm glad. As much as I love this show, I'm not a big fan of the auditions. Why? I think it's because I know that the producers put those people through intending for us to laugh at them. I know the auditions are where we get our first peek at the good dancers too, and that's exciting, but "the rest" aren't just the good dancers that don't make the cut. It's the ones that YOU KNOW everyone knows has no talent and they won't put through. It's not as bad as on American Idol, but it's still not as enjoyable to me as when they get that out of the way. Thursday starts the "real" beginning of the show for me - the callbacks. That's when the real magic starts.
Also on Thursday, the finale of Step it Up and Dance airs. This was the first season for this show and it's on Bravo, a "netlet" so it doesn't have the money of a huge network behind it. The first season of any competition show like this isn't as good as later seasons. Given that though, it was interesting. We are down to the final four - and I've enjoyed quite a few of their dances: Moshi, the older woman with a passion for dance. Nick, who is finding his heart through his dance as we watch.And then there is Cody, who everyone assumed from the beginning had the whole thing in the bag. Cody has amazing technique - which is always sort of hypnotic to watch. The judges keep telling him he is missing something and I can see what they mean. At least in what we are shown in the episodes. His passion doesn't shine through and he seems more stoic than passionate in his dancing. That being said, I still think he is amazing. And he casually mentioned in the last episode that he was in Center Stage 2. What? I didn't know they were doing a sequel to that movie. I really liked the original. There doesn't seem to be any promo material out there for it yet, but I'm going to keep my eyes open and I'll let you know if I hear anything. But if you want to check out one of the dancers from the movie, turn in to Step It Up and Dance tomorrow night and watch Cody.
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